Our Beliefs
The Master’s Plan
At Valley Overcomers we KNOW that Jesus is the Master Builder. Jesus divinely orchestrated the construction of his church by becoming the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:19-22). The cornerstone is the first stone that sets the model by which a building or in this case “the church” was established. Jesus created a blueprint/plan for the modern church. We believe by following the blueprint Jesus established we will be OVERCOMERS and inherit eternal life Revelation 21:7. To ensure our names are written in the book of life we must live life according to the Master’s plan. Heaven is attainable, but remember we must do it like God said it.
The Foundation
The foundation for our lives should be Jesus Christ. Jesus said in Matthew 7:24-27 that “whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them is like a wiseman”. The plan for our lives and how we make it to heaven was given by Jesus Christ in I Cor. 3:10-11 Paul. The only way to successfully build our lives is by Jesus Christ, any other actions are in vain Psalms 127:1.
Belief in Jesus Christ and that he is the Son of the living God. He died for my sins and on the 3rd day he rose and is the all powerful living God. A life with Christ is impossible, if faith in Christ is absent, Hebrews 11:6. In order to believe (have faith) you have to know whom you are believing in. Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16: 16 Whom do men say that I am, Peter told him thou are the Christ son of the Living God.
I have a change in my heart and mind about things that are God does not like. I have chosen to change my life and turn away from those things and live for God. Receiving Christ requires a change in our lives. God’s plan for us is to live a life free of sin, which are the things that separate us from him as shown in Isaiah 59:2. In order to start a relationship with God we must have a change of heart and mind toward sin.
Baptism of Water
I have been baptized (fully immersed in water) for the remissions of my sins in Jesus Name. Baptism is required for the removal of sins from our lives. It is important to follow God’s plan regarding baptism. Colossians 3:17 tells us that whatever we do in word or deed to do it all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Baptism of The Spirit
I have received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. In God’s plan he wanted to put his spirit down in each one of us. It was important to God that we knew he would not leave us St. John 14:18.
Righteous Living
I am becoming more like Jesus everyday. Once we have received the Holy Ppirit on the inside, our lives will change. The bible tells us that “….if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature: old things are passed away”. As new creatures our lives should point others to Christ. It is now our responsibility to live a clean life according to the bible as an example to others.
Rapture (catching) Away of the Saints
We have a promise that if we follow the Master’s plan, we will inherit eternal life with Christ. John 3:16. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:3, that he would go away to prepare a place and that he would come again and receive us. Jesus will return for his people, I Thess. 4:16-17, Heb. 9:28.